Zightwise is More than
a Set of Dashboards
It is a complete public transport improvement suite
Zightwise is more than a set of dashboards.
It helps operators and authorities to get from data to results.
Performance Driven Approach
In Business Intelligence the most important and challenging step is to actually obtain results. This will define whether your BI-system is an asset or cost.
We follow our UITP-certified approach to introduce data-driven performance improvement and this philosophy is an integral part of Zightwise. The approach is based on our experience in Middle East, Europe and North America.
Key themes are:
Templates Made for You
Zightwise unlocks a library of custom-made documents, developed specifically for the public transport sector. They will support your organisation to reach the full potential of a data-driven transit operator.
Academy to Expand Horizons
To get the best out of Zightwise we have developed an extensive training program. As a result, everyone at your organisation will use the platform to its maximum and will know how to translate discovered insights into actionable decisions.
SaaS Service
The Zightwise platform is a modern SaaS solution but it can also be hosted on premise. This is up to client’s requirements and legislation.
Both options come with support and maintenance, if remote access is enabled.
Support Service
Our support provides a helping hand should you encounter a problem. We will make sure all questions can be asked and be answered.
Of course we will also maintain the dashboards delivered, making sure they will stay up-and-running during the course of the contract.
With the help of Zight, we have created our own BI Competence Centre. It makes us independent. But if we need support, we can always rely on Zight.

Egbert Dekker
Consultant BI & Analytics
Qbuzz, The Netherlands