Ever wonder what the record is for most passenger on a bus? In 2011, The Guinness World Record for most people crammed on a bus was achieved. A bus took 229 passengers on a small 75-metre trip!
Passengers are at the core of public transport. When companies see public transport as a service, they realize that it is important to know about the wants and needs of their customers. In the end, this can have positive effects on both passenger needs and commercial performance. Before you know what your customers want and need, you need to have an overview of the passengers. Such an overview is available with the use of passenger data. Zightwise provides a clear and concise overview of everything you need to know about your passengers. Zightwise displays KPIs like ridership, revenue, OD-relations, trips, transfers, passenger kms, speed, directness etc. All of this passenger data is then available to use to determine wants and needs.
Curious to see how close you are to the Guinnes World Record? How many passengers you have daily and how many have been on one of your buses at the same time? Check out the website to see how you can unlock 100+ KPIs in 30+ dashboards within 4 to 6 weeks!
Read more about the record here: Most people crammed on a single-decker bus
Read more about how Zightwise can help you here: Why Zighwise?